Setting Up AirPrint™ On Xerox Printers

AirPrint™ is a driver-less printing technology from Apple. The technology let’s Apple devices print to the AirPrint compatible devices without installing drivers or downloading software. The Apple devices that support this technology are iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® and even Mac® OS X®.

Please check out this video that includes all the set-up information you need to enable and configure your Xerox ConnectKey device and will walk you through the steps.  It really is easy to enable the feature.

To see if your machine does or can support this technology please review the ConnectKey portfolio.

The AirPrint technology can be helpful to your employees and customers that utilize the Apple products that are compatible with the technology. There is a comprehensive document that explains all the requirements for use of the technology. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Not all applications support AirPrint.
  • Wireless devices must join the same wireless network as the printer.
  • For AirPrint to function, both IPP and Bonjour (mDNS) protocols must be enabled.
  • The device that submits the AirPrint job must be on the same subnet as the printer. To allow devices to print from different subnets, configure your network to pass multicast DNS traffic across subnets.
  • The Mac OS device must be Mac OS 10.7 or later.
  • AirPrint-enabled printers work with all models of iPad, iPhone (3GS or later), and iPod touch (3rd generation or later), running the latest version of iOS.

The document also walks you through the steps to print from the various Apple devices that use the technology. A troubleshooting section is included to help you figure out any problems or issues you have with using AirPrint. If you are or want to use it I know that you will find this document very useful. There is also online support specifically for AirPrint including videos, documentation and how to and troubleshooting information

Most of the ConnectKey printers that support the AirPrint have solutions in the Online support for enabling and configuring the machines with AirPrint. There are also AirPrint solutions on the Xerox Support Community Forum. If AirPrint is something you would like to use give it a try with your Xerox ConnectKey Printer.

Conduct Your AltaLinks With Fleet Orchestrator

Today let’s take a look at the Fleet Orchestrator available on the AltaLink family of printers. The Fleet Orchestrator feature helps to keep your Xerox® AltaLink® set up automatically.  Using Fleet Orchestrator you can configure a single AltaLink as the publisher and then create a tree to share the information from the publisher to the other AltaLinks that are called subscribers.

The video below introduces the Xerox® AltaLink® Fleet Orchestrator. It is the first in a series of videos focusing on using Fleet Orchestrator to help keep Xerox devices up to date automatically. The video describes some of the features you may want to configure on one Xerox® AltaLink® printer which will be the publisher, and share to the other AltaLinks, the subscribers, in your organization. The video also explains how to link the AltaLink printers together. More videos about this feature are on the horizon so please check back or subscribe to the Xerox Support YouTube channel so you can see the additional videos when they are posted because later videos will describe more detail and show how to take full advantage of the system.

A few of the things that Fleet Orchestrator can share automatically are software upgrades and tedious configuration changes. A single device, designated as the publisher, securely shares updates with the remaining fleet of subscribers. The system administrator configures file sharing through the publisher’s device embedded web server (EWS). Using this feature reduces device downtime and requires less manual IT intervention. At the publishing printer, you establish a secure connection with the other devices using their admin credentials, and that connection continues once it is established.

There are several resources to help you set up and use the Fleet Orchestrator:

  • See instructions in the System Administrator Guide starting on page 250.
  • Watch the video above or on our Xerox Support YouTube Channel.
  • The best resource is the one right on your machine using the Learn More link on the fleet orchestrator screen of the EWS.  I have included a screenshot to show where to access the feature and the learn more link.  This screenshot is from one of the subscribers.
Fleet Orchestrator

The Learn More section provides digital support by providing instructions, a glossary of terms and troubleshooting for the Fleet Orchestrator right there on your device at your fingertips. 

Give this feature a try it will save you time and effort and who doesn’t want that kind of savings!!

Support For Software Available for Your Printers

Did you know that Xerox has many different software programs available for the Xerox printers and multifunction devices? I am sure you have seen or heard of some of the software that includes titles like the CentreWare Web, FreeFlow, the Global Print Driver, Equitrac Office just to name a few.  You can take a look at all the software solutions on the Office Equipment Software and Solutions site or the Digital Printing Workflow software site.

Maybe you know all about the software we offer but did you know we have online support for many of the software offerings? There are a couple of ways to find the online support. If you click on the Customer Support tab at the top of the page and select All Support and Drivers, the support page will be displayed. In the search box provided, you can type in the name of the software. Another way is to click on the Software & Platforms link in the Find by Type box. Please see the image below.

The online support is similar to the support for the printers, you will find frequently asked questions and how tos. There will also be a tab for any documentation that may be available and a tab for the software which may include updates and patches.

There will also be a tab or link to the information for contacting support if you do not find what you are looking for or if you have additional questions. Contact information is available for North America and there is a link to show you international support as well.

We have software you may need or want to make your business more productive and we have the support available when or if you need help.

What is On Your Playlists?

My playlist has a little bit of everything but I have found my playlists on the XeroxSupport YouTube channel are much more focused.  I am not sure if you have visited our XeroxSupport channel on YouTube lately but there are some great videos over there and they are well organized into playlists.

The videos are divided up into easy to use playlists.  They are divided by machine model so you will see only the videos that pertain directly to the printer or multifunction printer you are using.  However, if you have multiple machines or are looking for videos on a function we have that too. 

Example of Playlists on XeroxSupport Youtube Channel

The models represented are Phasers, WorkCentres, AltaLink, VersaLInk, Iridesse, Versant, Nuvera and even the iGen.  This is by no means an all-inclusive list there are even more models with their own playlists. Do not want to watch by model well then check out the playlists grouped by feature and functions.  These playlists include Apps, Fault and Error messages, features overview, email, billing and meters, installation, jam clearance, fax and so much more. 

These YouTube playlists help us to reach our goal of offering you support in multiple ways so that you can find support when, where and how you want it and find the most effective support for your business and processes.  We want to make it easier to find what you need in a format that works for you. 

Head over to the XeroxSupport YouTube site and select playlists.  Review the lists and see which ones will meet your needs.  You can also search for individual videos using the search box to find specific videos for specific features or issues. 

Consider subscribing to our channel so that you will be notified when new support videos are posted to the site.  New videos are added frequently.

Xerox Connect App for QuickBooks Online

We’ve all been there.  You get back from a business trip and you have a stack of receipts you need to review to complete an expense report.  According to the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), it takes an average of 20 minutes to complete one expense report.  Sadly, you’ve procrastinated, and you have three to do before lunch!

Or, maybe you’re a small business owner and you’re concerned about the accuracy of your employees’ expense tracking.  Manual entry of receipts is not only time-consuming, but prone to errors!

Luckily, your company uses QuickBooks Online (QBO) and also has a Xerox ConnectKey-enabled multifunction device that has the Xerox Connect App for QuickBooks Online installed on it.  Your company’s IT guy went through the simple set-up to connect the device and app to your company’s QBO account.  Now the fun begins!  (Wait, believe me.  It’s actually fun!)

Instead of scanning one receipt in at a time and manually entering all the required info into the QBO receipt fields, you walk up to your connected Xerox device, run the app, and plop the entire stack of 8 receipts down on the platen, making sure they don’t overlap, like this:

You hit the “Scan” button, and the app does a little magic, as it finds the individual receipts on the platen and reports back to you that it found all 8 and where they were located.  Pretty cool so far.  But, it gets better, because now the app sends those receipts off to a cloud service where they are OCRed and the critical data is extracted and presented back to you on the device screen, one at a time, like this:

Most of the fields have been filled out already, and you have the option to verify/update the data in the fields, as well as add additional field values, such as “transaction type” (with options chosen by your finance guy), and a notes/memo field, if you need to explain why you spent $50 on that bottle of wine! 

You simply walk through verifying all eight receipts, hit “Submit” and POOF!  Your receipts, along with the verified data, are sent off to the company’s QBO account as a journal entry.  Meanwhile, that finance guy gets an email notification to approve the expense.

Simple and fun.  Who woulda thunk?

Xerox eConcierge: Supplies and Free Lifetime Warranty

I am all about free service and making life easier so I was excited to read about the free Xerox eConcierge service.  I have found concierges helpful on vacation.  When I first heard of Xerox eConcierge I assumed this software would not be making dinner reservations for my printers.  As I learned more about it, I realized Xerox eConcierge would save me time so maybe I could make my own reservations for dinner!  In business terms, a concierge is a person employed to make arrangements and run errands.  Well Xerox eConcierge performs some of the duties of a concierge.

The Xerox eConcierge supplies assistant is your own private assistant that will watch your printers and multifunction devices and make sure that supplies are monitored so that you can always have supplies at the ready for your machines.  The software not only monitors your Xerox products but many other networked printers and multifunction devices as well.  The software monitors your printers in the background and notifies you when supplies run low.  The Xerox eConcierge will create an order even finding the part numbers and suggesting compatible supplies.  With a few clicks your order can be placed and your items will be shipped directly to you. Below is a sample of the Xerox eConcierge window that monitors your printers.

Xerox eConcierge program also provides a free lifetime warranty that includes free maintenance and repair for your printers. There is no contract so you can cancel at any time.  Now how cool is that?   Supplies managed and sent to you and free lifetime warranty on your eligible products, now that is a concierge!!

For all the details please see the Xerox eConcierge on the website, the site includes frequently asked questions. Watch the video provided below for a quick overview.  Check out the supported products list and decide if Xerox eConcierge is for you.  You may be very glad that you did.

Xerox, McAfee™ and Cisco® Teaming Up on Security

Xerox, McAfee™ and Cisco® have teamed up on security for faster threat detection and response. Printer security has come a long way in the last several years.  The advancements in network printers and multifunction printers make them a potential security risk from cyberthreats that target printers specifically.  Build a secure printer and a hacker will make it their mission to penetrate the security. That is where teaming up helps to stay ahead of the hackers.  

The team was created through partnership with McAfee, the global cybersecurity company and Cisco, the networking and security firm and Xerox Corporation.  Utilizing McAfee’s ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) and Cisco’s Identity Services Engine (ISE) allows centralized printer management of printer security policies. These new security capabilities are available for the Xerox®ConnectKey®i-Series, WorkCentre®EC7836/7856 and AltaLink®Multifunction Printers.

Let’s look at how this partnership works in a real world cyber threat.  If a threat is detected on your Xerox multifunction printer McAfee’s ePolicy Orchestrator will inform Cisco’s Identity Services Engine about the threat.  In response to potential misuse, threat or attack, ePO and ISE apply the appropriate security policies to neutralize the threat to your printer(s) and other devices on the network. Crisis averted, security maintained. 

The result of this team approach is new to threat response. It is the first of its kind by being both automatic and instantaneous, leaving the hackers and threats outside and keeping your data and network secure. You can find more information on the website about the partnership in security and get full details from the technical brief.

SHA-1 Certificate to Expire on May 18th

Action required to continue automatic Meter Reads and Supplies Replenishment

Effective May 18, 2019, older Xerox devices using the SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) security certificate will not be able to transmit their meter and supply usage data over the device-direct pathway. The replacement and more secure SHA-2 certificate will be required.  Customer action is needed to ensure that your automated meter reads (AMR) and automated supplies replenishment (ASR) are not disrupted.

The list of affected products that could still be using the SHA-1 certificate is available in the Security Bulletin found at

The options for each product family are specified in the bulletin:

  1. For most products, a customer-installable software upgrade will deliver the SHA-2 certificate and enable device-direct communication to continue. 
  2. All Office products can use a device manager, such as the free Xerox® Device Agent (XDA), or Xerox® CentreWare® Web Software, Xerox® Device Agent, Xerox® Device Agent Partner Edition, and Xerox® Device Manager.  (Toolsets may vary by service agreement.)  This proxy communication method will support automated meter reads and supply replenishment going forward. 

To determine if your devices are impacted, review your machines’ current software levels and compare them to the minimum SHA-2 compliant software versions stated in the bulletin.

Please perform the individual software upgrades to obtain the SHA-2 certificate and continue device-direct communication where possible. This communication method is beneficial because it provides a diagnostic payload that is used by our service agents to diagnose problems and arrive at solutions more quickly.

Customers with multiple machines impacted by this change may find it efficient to use the device manager option as a solution.  It can be setup rather quickly, and will work simultaneously with your current device-direct connections.  When SHA-1 expires, machines that have not upgraded to SHA-2 will stop communicating device-direct, but the device manager application will continue to report the devices’ meter reads and supply replenishment needs.  Visit our Remote Services online support assistant for information on how to use the device manager solution.  Customers that currently use XDA or any of the other device manager toolsets should ensure that their application is discovering all of the machines that are impacted by the SHA-1 expiration.

If you need assistance upgrading your device software, installing Xerox® Device Agent (XDA), or determining which option is appropriate for your service agreement, visit to chat with an expert, or call your local support desk. 

For more information on the connection methods and Remote Services, please consult the Security White Paper.

Not addressing this matter by May 18th could result in delayed toner shipments, and necessitate manual meter collection for billing purposes.  Please dedicate a few moments to ensure your devices are compliant with the more secure SHA-2 certificate for device direct communication, or are using the device manager pathway.

Remote Control Panel Now Available for VersaLink!

Remote Control Panel is a feature that is available on most of the ConnectKey printers and multifunction devices.  Until now, it had not been available on the VersaLink family of machines but you asked for it and now it is here.  The VersaLink printers can be upgraded to a new version of the firmware that includes the Remote Control Panel feature among other features, see the Readme file for what is included in the new firmware.

Below are the links to the firmware / software that you would need to use to get the Remote Control panel on your VersaLink printer. Please select the link for your specific model. Installation instructions are included, please read them prior to upgrading your printer.

The Remote Control Panel on your Xerox VersaLink is a great tool for system administrators, trainers or anyone that needs to access the machine from a remote location. The remote control panel is accessed on your web browser from the Embedded Web Server for the printer.

Once the firmware is installed, using the directions included in the installation instructions. The Remote Control Panel has to be enabled. 

To enable the Remote Control Panel, open the Embedded Web Server by entering the IP address for your VersaLink printer in your web browser. On the Home screen scroll down to the Quick Links and select Remote Control Panel, then select Enable and then select Close.  Full instructions for enabling, configuring user access and how to use the remote control panel are available in the online support for your VersaLink printer by searching on the term Remote Control.

Using the Remote Control Panel, you can make changes to the VersaLink printer while sitting at a computer at home, for instance.  The Remote Control Panel is a complete interactive, real time interface to the printer.  With this tool, you can make changes to settings just as you would if you were standing at the printer and using the interface at the machine.  The Remote Control Panel can help the administrator program and troubleshoot the machine from their PC. Additionally, the remote control panel can be used to train users or simply walk them through a set-up. Permission for use of the Remote Control Panel can be restricted to the Administrator only or you can allow permission to other users as well. 

Upgrade your firmware and give the Remote Control Panel a try. We think you will find that it comes in handy.

Action Required: Update for AMR and ASR Customers

NOTE: The deadline for the SHA2 certificate upgrade is just over a month away.  We are revisiting the blog by guest blogger Christine Lengyel about what you need to do before the May 25th 2019 deadline arrives.

Prepare now for the SHA2 certificate upgrade required for device communications

Effective May 25, 2019, Xerox devices using the SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) security certificate will not be able to transmit their meter and supply usage data over the device-direct pathway. The replacement and more secure SHA-2 certificate will be required.  Action is needed to ensure that your automated meter reads (AMR) and automated supplies replenishment (ASR) are not disrupted.

The list of affected products is available in the Security Bulletin found at

The options for each product family are specified in the bulletin:

  1. For most products, a customer-installable software upgrade will deliver the SHA-2 certificate and enable device-direct communication to continue.
  2. All Office products can use Xerox® Device Agent (XDA) and the proxy communication method to support remote services going forward.

To determine if your devices are impacted, review your machines’ current software levels and compare them to the minimum SHA-2 compliant software versions stated in the bulletin. You can find the current software version by printing a configuration report from your devices, or by looking in MySupport Portal.

Please perform the individual software upgrades to obtain the SHA-2 certificate and continue device-direct communication where possible. This communication method is beneficial because it provides a diagnostic payload that is used by our service agents to diagnose problems and arrive at solutions more quickly

Customers with multiple machines impacted by this change may find it efficient to use Xerox® Device Agent (XDA) as a solution.  This free application takes approximately 15 minutes to install, and supports up to 2000 machines.  It can be setup immediately and will work simultaneously with your current device-direct connections.  When SHA-1 expires, machines that have not upgraded to SHA-2 will stop communicating device-direct, but XDA will continue to report the devices’ meter reads and supply replenishment needs.  Visit our Remote Services online support assistant for information on how to use the device manager solution.

If you need assistance upgrading your device software or installing Xerox® Device Agent (XDA) your local support center will be able to assist you.

For more information on the connection methods and Remote Services, please consult the Security White Paper.