Xerox App Gallery Support

The Xerox App Gallery is the home of various apps available for your Xerox or multifunction printer. These apps are simple to use and provide a wide variety of capabilities to Xerox devices, including cloud connectors, translation, document redaction, audio conversion, and many more. 

When needing Support with the Xerox App Gallery, visit the Xerox App Gallery and select the “?” symbol next to the user login area in the upper right corner of the screen. At that point, you will have the option to click on the online support icon, which will take you to a documentation screen with valuable information about the Xerox app gallery and the apps contained within it. You will also have the option to click on the feedback icon, which will open an e-mail with the to-field pre-populated with  

When looking for Support for your apps, in addition to using the steps described above, you can visit the App Gallery and click on the specific App. You can then scroll down the page and click on “Support.

The Xerox App Gallery support resources will typically get back to you within 24 hours and address your questions with the App.

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  1. zenghaiyan February 5, 2021 - Reply

    my xerox7535 ask an active code about consumables ,my robot serial code is 3906127252,please give me an active code and about how to operate. thank you.

    • Cheryl Otstott March 26, 2021 - Reply

      Hi zenghaiyan,
      Thank you for reading the blog. If you have not already found a solution for your issue or answer for your question, please consider posting on the Xerox Customer Support Forum. Alternately contact your local support centre.

  2. Al Guerin February 23, 2021 - Reply

    When using the Touchless Access App on different models in our showroom, I get different image quality results when using copy method. Scan to email isn’t setup, so I don’t know if that is an issue. The print method works fine.

    The AltaLink C8145 image density is very weak in color, great in B&W.

    The AltaLink C8035 image density is less weak, but still unacceptable in color, and again is fine in B&W.

    The PrimeLink C9065 is great in either color or B&W.

    I cannot find any resources that show how to adjust the density or other color quality settings. Is this a service mode adjustment? Or is there some other method of adjusting image quality for the Touchless Access App?

  3. ANDREW Neil March 17, 2021 - Reply

    I am a Xerox partner and I need assistance with the printbyxerox app currently on all connect key mf printers.
    I would like to use Xerox printers in a self serve kiosk setting wilh an interactive pay wall to be able to require a payment for self serve users based on pages printed, scanned, copied or faxed. Can I accomplish this?

    • Cheryl Otstott March 26, 2021 - Reply

      Hi Andrew,
      Please address your question to the App Gallery team. You can reach them on the Xerox Forum on the App Gallery board.

  4. Chris Taylor March 23, 2021 - Reply

    I was wondering if there was such a things as an NFR version of Xerox APP’s such as Connect for Microsoft One Drive, Connect for Google Drive. I test SSO with Cloud and Suite and do demos on the Xerox equipment in Ottawa but the trial is only good for 30 days.

    • Cheryl Otstott March 26, 2021 - Reply

      Hi Chris,
      Please address your question to the App Gallery team. You can reach them on the Xerox Forum on the App Gallery board.

  5. Lucas K April 14, 2021 - Reply

    Olá, preciso de ajuda com a impressora Xerox VersaLink B405, não consigo acessar a loja de aplicativos “App Gallery”. Ao tentar entrar na opção ocorre o seguinte erro:

    ” Erro de DNS
    Ocorreu um problema com a resolução do nome do DNS
    Impossível contatar o servidor de nomes

    Já tentei mudar os servidores DNS e o domínio manualmente, já tentei mudar várias configurações de rede mas nenhuma foi efetiva.
    Se alguém puder me ajudar eu agradeço.

    • Cheryl Otstott May 4, 2021 - Reply

      Hi Lucas,
      Thank you for reading the blog. If you have not already found a solution for your issue or answer for your question, please consider posting on the Xerox Customer Support Forum. Alternately contact your local support centre.

  6. thomas July 3, 2021 - Reply

    I used to access IE 11 in the past and now to access and download the scan document via IE. how about in future tehre is no more IE 11 for us to view and can the EDGE able to support.

    • Cheryl Otstott August 23, 2021 - Reply

      Hi Thomas,
      Thank you for reading the At Your Service blog. I would suggest trying Chrome or Firefox and see if these will work. If it still does not work please consider contacting your local support centre.

  7. Daniel Angel Gontán Murciano July 8, 2021 - Reply

    Good morning I need bios for EX J75 motherboard Tyan S5515G2NR-EFI. Thanks

    • Cheryl Otstott October 7, 2021 - Reply

      Hi Daniel,
      I do not have that information. You would need to speak with a technician. Contact your local support centre to place a service call.

  8. Laura November 24, 2021 - Reply

    I can’t print from my Galaxy Note 20 mobile
    Is there an application for this?
    Xerox workplace does not have drivers for this seria
    Thank you

    • Cheryl Otstott January 28, 2022 - Reply

      Hi Laura.
      Thank you for reading the blog. If you have not already found a solution for your issue or answer for your question, please consider posting on the Xerox Customer Support Forum. Alternately contact your local support centre.

  9. Blaine November 28, 2021 - Reply

    I have a Xerox 3215 connected via a wirelss hub to two Windows 10 (X64) PCs. For several months, I could print over the wireless connection, but NOW, I cannot print wirelessly nor when I attach to the printer with a USB cable.

    I have read the entire user manual and found that some steps, such as connecting to the printer remotely over my wireless just does not work. Their is NO Connection to the printer. I also tried upgrading to a newer driver, but the Xerox tools, do NOT allow me to reach the printer wirelessly and I cannot make a physical connection via a USB cable directly attached to the printer. When I go through the “wirelss menus” i get to a point requiring a password (my password includes an equal sign (“=”), but that symbol is not on the external “typing” buttons on the front of the printer and I have to stop.

    • Cheryl Otstott January 28, 2022 - Reply

      Hi Blaine,
      Thank you for reading the blog. If you have not already found a solution for your issue or answer for your question, please consider posting on the Xerox Customer Support Forum. Alternately contact your local support centre.

  10. Niz Toledo December 20, 2021 - Reply

    Im using a Xerox versalink C605 & installed the oneDrive app . At the end when logging,in it asks if you’d like to keep logged in at all times. Mine wont hold that setting, does any one here know how to get around that ?

    • Cheryl Otstott March 18, 2022 - Reply

      Hi Niz,
      If you have not already solved this issue, please post your question to the to the Xerox App Gallery Board on the Xerox Community Forums board. They should be able to help.

  11. leonardo rivera January 4, 2022 - Reply

    olvide mi clave de administrador como puedo restaurarla o recuperarla de impresora

    Xerox Versalink C405DN multifunction Printer

    • Cheryl Otstott March 18, 2022 - Reply

      Hi Leonardo,
      Thank you for reading the blog. If you have not already found a solution for your issue or answer for your question, please consider posting on the Xerox Customer Support Forum. Alternately contact your local support centre.

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