Happy Holidays to all and Congratulations for making changes and pivoting to continue to do what you do in this unpredictable year of 2020. In a year that has been difficult it’s especially important to take time to enjoy the season and reflect on your successes, lessons and opportunities from the year gone by. We also have tradition to lean into at this time of year. Where it’s not possible to maintain your traditions, take this opportunity to make new ones.
As you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, New Year’s Eve and yes, even Festivus for the rest of us, remember to bring a little of the holiday spirit into your business too. That could be as simple as printing off seasonal greetings from our greeting cards templates. There are a few new ones for this this year.
From my Xerox Family to you and yours, thank you for letting us share part of your time this past year. We appreciate the opportunity to support you in doing what you do and to exploring new processes that this unprecedented year has required. Stay safe and stay well! We wish for all of you good health, success and prosperity for the New Year.