Enhancements, Features and Upgrades It’s in the Firmware

Enhancements, features and upgrades to several of the printer families over the first half of this year.  Make sure you are getting the most out of your printer or multifunction device by keeping the firmware updated.

For instance, all my VersaLink peeps there is an upgrade that will fix the issue of unable to log into printer webui as admin when connected with Google Chrome. I have seen comments on the Xerox Customer Support Forum and in the comments of the At Your Service blog wondering about compatibility with Chrome.  So if that has an issue for you and your VersaLink, upgrade your firmware to fix that issue. 

Currently you will need to check out the Product Enhancement document to read about the additions, fixes in this new firmware, and get the link to go directly to the correct firmware upgrade for your model machine. The new firmware can only be accessed through the links in the document at this time, it has not been uploaded to the site yet.

All Xerox printer and multifunction operators or administrators need to make it a regular practice to  check the drivers and downloads tab of the support page for your machine to see if anything new has been released.  You can find information on the new features, enhancements and fixes by reading the release notes or “readme” file that is available with the upgrade(s).  Set a reminder on your calendar to make sure you check for updates. 

Firmware updates are found on the Drivers & Downloads tab on the support page for your printer.  You may need to scroll down to find the Firmware section.  Most firmware updates come with installation instructions but if not we have you covered. Just navigate to the Support tab for your printer and search on “install firmware” or simply “firmware” to find detailed step-by-step instructions on the ways to install the firmware.   

Head over to your support page now and check for any updates. Who knows you may find a feature you did not even know you were waiting to see. 

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  1. […] Nota: Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en el blog Xerox Small Business Solutions. Para leer el artículo en inglés accede aquí. […]

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