We live in a world where it’s easier than ever to communicate directly to the companies and suppliers who provide us with goods and services. At the click of the mouse, we can indicate whether a delivery was on time and performed as expected. As soon as we leave the car dealership, we have an email survey to provide feedback.
Xerox Support would also love to hear from you about the services we’re providing online at www.xerox.com/support. We really do want to hear what you think, which is why we give you the opportunity in every solution presented.
When you go to the Xerox.com support pages and find a solution that works for you, please let us know. All you need to do is select an answer next to the question: “Did this help?” We’ve made it only 2 options so it’s as quick and easy as possible to provide feedback. We don’t want to take too much of your time.
We really do look at these ratings. It helps us know which information is useful, and which may need additional explanation. With that feedback, we can build better knowledge content for everyone.
Here is an example of what you will see at the end of every solution.

We strive for our online support to be able to provide quick answers at your fingertips to keep you printing. Consider helping us help you and other customers.