Xerox Printers and the macOS Monterey 12

The annual release of the new macOS Monterey 12 happened recently. Our drivers and other software available for our printers and multifunction devices were tested with the new OS.  

Please check for the driver availability for your printers by reviewing the compatibility document for macOS Monterey that is posted on the Xerox equipment compatibility with new operating systems page to see if a driver has been or will be created for your model of printer or multifunction device (MFD). There are 5 compatibility levels.  Many printers will have a 1 in the Compatibility Level column. This indicates drivers are available for this product.  A 2 in the column indicates that no driver is planned for the device. 

Driver Available

Drivers for the new macOS are found on the support pages for the printers or MFD.   To find the newest drivers navigate to the Xerox Support and Drivers page for your model.  Make sure to choose the printer configuration you have, if applicable. Then select the macOS 12 Monterey operating system from the Operating System drop down menu. Select Apply Filter to see driver(s). Install the driver. 

No Driver Available Workarounds

If the compatibility level column indicates a 2, no specific drivers are planned for that model printer.  For a printer without a specific scan driver or when a print driver is not available, AirPrint and Scan to Email may be used as a workaround.  Please see the article Macintosh OS Driver is Not Available in the online support for additional information.

AirPrint does not provide all the print features that the Xerox specific driver does. Scan to Email requires a network connection. Depending on the type of email service used, the service may require the email to leave the network. Additionally, scan to email requires an email server or email provider.

For additional information, you can search the online knowledgebase for your product. reach out to your local support centre or post a question on the Xerox Community Support Forum.

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  1. Richard Davies December 16, 2021 - Reply

    Xerox Spain is not serving toner. I made an order two weeks ago and I’m still waiting for the delivery. The printer stopped working two days ago. No human is answering the phone at xerox spain. Can someone provide answers?

    • Cheryl Otstott March 18, 2022 - Reply

      Hi Richard,
      Here is all the information I could find on contact information for Spain.
      Xerox España S.A.U.
      Avenida de Aragón 330
      Parque Empresarial de las Mercedes
      Edificio 6
      28022 Madrid, Spain
      C.I.F. A28208601
      R.M.M. H.14.847 – F.1,T.2.364, L.1.721, S.3º
      +34 915203540

      Asistencia 915203346
      Lunes – Viernes, 8:30-18:00 CET
      Agosto, Lunes – Viernes, 8:30 – 15:00 CET

      • Richard Davies March 19, 2022 - Reply

        Thank you Cheryl, I know you’re trying your best. But I think I’m done with xerox. I’m tired and bored of dealing with a big bureaucratic corp. Thank you anyway.

  2. Work Centre 6505 January 31, 2022 - Reply

    It’s incredibly frustrating that Xerox would purposely make perfectly good hardware (Work Centre 6505) obsolete because they didn’t update a software driver.

    • Cheryl Otstott March 18, 2022 - Reply

      Hi Work Centre 6505,
      Thank you for reading the blog. If you have not already found a solution for your issue or answer for your question, please consider posting on the Xerox Customer Support Forum. Alternately contact your local support centre.

  3. Serhat Sezer February 24, 2022 - Reply

    I could not find the driver for the workcentre 3119 printer and I cannot use the printer. What path should I follow?

  4. J April 3, 2022 - Reply

    Phaser 6130N for Monterey and “M” series of Macs?

    • Cheryl Otstott May 17, 2022 - Reply

      Thank you for reading the blog. If you have not already found a solution for your issue or answer for your question, please consider posting on the Xerox Customer Support Forum. Alternately contact your local support centre.

  5. Scot Myers April 27, 2022 - Reply

    I’m done with Xerox. Pure laziness and corporate greed trying to force another purchase on a perfectly good printer with only a 30,000 page count (Phaser 6300DN). Yes, I know it older but this technoogy merry-go-round gets very expensive when operting multiple stations considering hardware, system and application software upgrades. I left HP when Carly was President for pulling the same stunt on a perfectly fine and expensive scanner and have never bought another HP Product since. Seriously, there could not be that much effort to design a new driver. Does upper management even consider these comments as I’m sure there are many people that will not bother to even respond with feedback. Such a shame!

    • Cheryl Otstott May 20, 2022 - Reply

      Hi Scot,
      Thank you for reading the blog. If you have not already found a solution for your issue or answer for your question, please consider posting on the Xerox Customer Support Forum. You may be able to find a workaround there. Alternately contact your local support centre.

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